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The funeral service for Mr Guenter “Bill” Forke

will be held on Wednesday October 9th, 2019

at 2.15pm, at Altona Memorial Park, with

refreshments afterwards at 27 Huxtable Ave,

Altona North.

Forever In Our Hearts.

Forke, Guenter “Bill”

Bill passed away peacefully in the presence of family.

Sadly leaving a loving wife Margaret,

and sons Wolfgang and Werner.

The Forke clan, Dustin, Erina & Astin, Wes & Stewart, Jane,

Jayd, Lilly, Indy & Luca, Shaun, Breanna & Audrey.

Guenter “Bill” Forke – In the care of Crane Funerals

Guenter will be sadly missed and always remembered.

Please find below a space to leave your personal tribute to Guenter, or to pass on your condolences to his family. You are invited to leave a condolence / tribute for Guenter any time. We have found these touching tributes are warmly received by families who have experienced the grief of losing a loved one. If you would like more information about our funerals, feel free to contact us any time on 03-5977 7198 or 0447 727 263.


2 Responses

  1. Margaret remember that you are not alone, I can see all your amazing family here to walk through these hard times with you and if there is anything you need I am here for you…..Stay strong.
    My heartfell sympathy on the loss of your husband (Bill) and I know you had a great marriage and loved him so much.
    I’m going to miss him too.

  2. I will miss you forevermore Bill, I will never forget your Tai Chi exercise you taught me. Love you always. You are in the heavenly places With God the Almighty. Stay Happy.

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